in Nottinghamshire

Spring is well and truly sprung, and the grass is well and truly riz ... to paraphrase possibly Ogden Nash.

We are now towards the end of it all, and summer is just around the corner. So to celebrate this wonderful time of year, we have put together a slideshow of photos set to music.


A Slideshow to music

Photos by Dunc and Guy
Music The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams

Why do we have spring?

Just like Christmas, Spring comes but once a year, but just like Christmas, it does come every year without fail. So why do e have spring?

Well, firstly, the Earth orbits the Sun. I’d like to think you all knew that, but what with flat earthers, and evolution deniers to say nothing of climate change refuse-nics, assuming even a basic grasp of the natural world in others is a bit of an assumption.

The Earth’s orbit is not, as you might expect a circle. It is an ellipse. A sort of flattened circle. A bit like the profile of a rugby ball. So there are times when the Earth is closer to the Sun (Summer), and times when the Earth is further away (winter).


Except that that would give us 2 summers and 2 winters each year.

Secondly, The Earth is tilted on its axis. It is a tilt of about 23 degrees. This means that when the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, the southern hemisphere is tilted away. And so when the north is in summer the south is in winter. Likewise, when we have spring, the southern hemisphere has autumn.

Days, months, years and seasons

Plants of Spring

Some of the first things to come out are the woodland bulbs. Snowdrops and daffodils are naturally found in woodlands and come out early to catch the sunlight before the leaves from the trees make the woodland floor too dark for them.

Deciduous trees, that is those that drop their leaves in the autumn, ‘flush’ or open out their buds and put out their new leaves. By now, most of the trees will have put out their leaves. The leaves will be very soft and are vulnerable to attack from insects.

Towards the end of spring, bluebells, ramsons, and hedge plants all start to get into flower. It is by far the best time to get out there, with your camera, and catch all the colours of nature.

20 British native wildflowers to grow

Animals in Spring

Toads and frogs will come out from hibernation and make their way to their traditional ponds to do a bit of breeding. This will give the tadpoles time to grow into little froglets ready for the coming of the next winter.

Birds will start looking for nesting places. If you've got any nesting boxes in your garden, keep an eye on them and see who is checking them out for the coming breeding season.

There will be lots of other signs to look out for. Catkins on hazel trees, blossom on blackthorn and hawthorn later on. Cherry and apple blossom when things are really starting to warm up.

Then there are the migrants returning from a winter spent in much warmer climes. Swallows and swifts and of course the cuckoo, which you are more likely to hear than see.

Why do birds migrate?


Guy and Roobarb’s Dog walk to Edinburgh
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Oh My Nottz is a HotHouse Theatre production. Co. No. 6505843 Charity No. 1154523. Tel 07535138506 email guy@hothousetheatre.com website www.hothousetheatre.com
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